Member Laboratories & Areas of Core Expertise
The Respiratory Physiology Laboratory, UCY School of Medicine Laboratory Leaders: Dr Panayiotis Yiallouros, Professor of Pediatrics, Medical School, University of Cyprus
The Respiratory Physiology Laboratory of the University of Cyprus Medical School aims to develop and provide high quality diagnostic and clinical services to pediatric respiratory patients from Cyprus and abroad. Furthermore, it is involved in the educational activities of the Medical school and carries out innovative research in the fields of diagnostics, prophylaxis and treatment of respiratory diseases, with a special interest in rare hereditary respiratory diseases, such as Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and Cystic Fibrosis. In addition, the laboratory is actively involved in research in the field of environmental and public health, primarily investigating impacts of air pollution and other environmental exposures on common respiratory diseases, such as Asthma.
The Respiratory Physiology Laboratory, in collaboration with the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics and the Archbishop Makarios III Hospital, hosts the national Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Service (PCD Service) and offers state-of-the-art diagnostic and clinical services to PCD patients.

Senior Lab Members
Dr Panayiotis Yiallouros
MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics-Pediatric Pulmonology
Paraskevi Kinni
BSc Chemistry, Special Research Scientist
Dr Pinelopi Anagnostopoulou
MD, PhD, Lecturer in Pediatrics-Pediatric Pulmonology
Antonis Michanikou
BSc Chemistry, Special Research Scientist
Dr Panayiotis Kouis
BSc Biology, PhD, Special Research Scientist & Project Manager
Dr Andreas Matthaiou
MD, Special Research Scientist
Dr Aigli Evryviadou
BSc Biology, PhD, Special Research Scientist
Dr Skevi Stylianou-Riga
MD, Special Teaching Staff, Pediatrics-Neonatology
The Sleep and Motion Laboratory, UCY School of Medicine Laboratory Leaders: Dr. Panagiotis Bargiotas, Assistant Professor of Neurology
The Sleep and Motion Laboratory focuses on Motion during Sleep with main aim to study various aspects of human kinetics (including body, brain, heart and respiratory kinetics) during sleep. Research tools include wearable motion tracking systems, brain neurophysiology, behavioral assessments and monitoring of physiological functions.
In the field of sleep-related respiratory kinetics, we are interested in the relationship between thorax dynamics and respiratory function during sleep in patients with neuromuscular dysfunction and/or respiratory disorders.
Research includes clinical and translational sleep research in collaboration with the Sleep-Wake Laboratory at the UCY and the Sleep-Wake Outpatient Clinics at the General Hospital of Nicosia.
Our mission is to promote sleep science in Cyprus by encouraging and motivating enthusiastic and talented researchers from different backgrounds to participate in sleep research.

The Computational Sciences Laboratory, UCY School of Engineering
Laboratory Leaders: Professor Stavros Kassinos
The Computational Sciences Laboratory (UCY-CompSci) was established through a sizeable Marie Curie TOK-DEV grant as a core of excellence in the area of computational sciences and mechanics. Over the last 15 years, UCY-CompSci has developed a range of advanced in silico methods and tools based on three-dimensional Computational Fluid Particle Dynamics (3D-CFPD) that allow the assessment of regional aerosol deposition in the respiratory system, the emission of bioaerosols during exhalation and the effects of chronic lung disease on lung function and drug delivery via inhalation. UCY-CompSci has coordinated COST-Action MP1414 “SimInhale” and maintains close collaboration with several pharmaceutics companies in the Europe (Greece, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Sweden) and contributes to the design and development of advanced devices for the delivery of inhaled drugs. The lab maintains several High-Performance Computing (HPC) facilities.

Senior Lab Members
Prof. Stavros C. Kassinos
PhD, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dimokratis Grigoriadis
PhD, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Vassilis Vavourakis
PhD, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Fotos Stylianou
PhD, Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Pantelis Koullapis
PhD, Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Charalambos Frantzis
PhD, Senior Research Fellow
Center of Excellence in Biobanking and Biomedical Research (CY-Biobank), UCY School of Medicine
Laboratory Head: Professor Constantinos Deltas
The CY-Biobank Center of Excellence represents the next generation of our genetics laboratory which is being upgraded through recent EU funding, €15mi, supplemented by funding by the Government of Cyprus, €15mi, and the University of Cyprus, €8mi, for the next 15 years. We embark on three major activities, including Biobanking, research into inherited conditions and complex conditions with a genetic component and cell biology/animal model work, aimed at elucidation of molecular and cellular mechanisms of disease development. We are the only research Biobank in the country, offering the infrastructure for archiving data and biological samples while making available contemporary tools for genetics/genomics experimental work in the framework of this consortium. Amongst others, the infrastructure includes contemporary Next Generation Sequencing facilities and Sanger sequencing equipment, tools for data entry and genealogy preparation and a well-equipped molecular biology/genetics lab. The personnel include geneticists and molecular biologists, a bioinformatician and cell biologists, while we maintain a very tight collaborative relationship with the BBMRI-ERIC, which represents the largest family of biobanks in the world.